Monday, December 12, 2005
Seven Diamonds despite Lebensohl
Seven diamonds despite Lebensohl
Partner dealt and bid 1NT (15-17).
I held: Void, Q 7 6, A K J 9 8 5, A J 5 3. I immediately thought six or seven diamonds.
But RHO bids 2 S.
We play Lebensohl. Surprisingly this didn’t help. The choices I considered were:
1. [Transfer bids are off.]
2. 1NT/2S/3NT denies a spade stopper, denies four hearts, and shows ten HCP. I want to be in six or seven diamonds.
3. 1NT/2S/3S promises four hearts, game-going points, and no spade stopper. I had the points plus, I had no spade
stopper, but I did not have four hearts.
4. 1NT/2S/3D is forcing [to game]. With a spade stopper I would expect partner to bid 3NT, but how do we get to six or
seven diamonds.
5. 1NT/2S/2NT shows a long suit and forces NT hand to bid 3C. After 2NT/3C, then what? 3D and 4D and 5D are not
forcing. I would have to bid 6D.
6. 1NT/2S/3D/P/3NT/P/4S. I have a strong diamond hand with a spade void/ace.
7. 1NT/2S/3D/P/3NT/4C. I have a strong diamond hand with a club ace? Or is it Gerber? Should I show the club ace
before I show the spade void?
8. 1NT/2S/3D/3NT/P/4C/4H/4S/5D/7D.
3D is strong forcing. How strong?
3NT is spade stopper.
4C is club ace. [Or is it a club suit or Gerber?]
4H is heart ace. [It can’t be a heart suit.]
4S is spade void.
5D is diamond support. Clearly 4H was an anticipatory cue bid.
9. 1NT/2S/2NT/3C/3S. I have a very strong hand, with a spade void/ace. I will name the long suit later.
Perhaps 1NT/2S/2NT/3C/3S/4H/5D/5NT/7D? [5NT is the grand slam force.]
10. I was confused so I bid 6D. Even if partner’s points include the ace or king of spades I should have a good play for 6D.
None of these really seemed to work right. Is there a way for me to set the slam flag after an overcall?
Upon reflection, sequence 9 could work if partner picks up on it.