Saturday, May 21, 2005
double finesse in diamonds
I discussed the play of A Q 10 9 8 in my last post. That strategy came up in diamonds last Friday.
Dealer opened three spades. Partner thought and doubled. Pass.
I held 3, A J 10 9, A Q 9 8 7 6, A 7. I decided my partner held 5 4, K Q 8 7, K 5 3, K Q 8 6 so I bid six hearts.
Partner came down with A J 5 4, K Q 8, 10 5 3, K J 2.
Club 10 was led. To save an entry I put up the king. I pulled three rounds of trumps (four-two) winding up on the board. I passed the ten of diamonds and it held with left hand opponent showing out. Then I led another diamond winning the jack with the queen and leaving the right hand opponent with king 4, and heart 5. I returned to dummy with the spade ace and took another diamond finesse, drew the last trump, and claimed seven. (I should have pulled the last trump before leading to the spade ace.)
Apparently people are not reading my posts. When I played the board one declarer had gone down one at six hearts and another had gone down at four.