Thursday, July 13, 2006
Marion Holds Lead

Jinqi & Winn came on strong in the last game
of the segment with a 70% game to grab the
10-point scramble award but it wasn't enough
to catch Marion.
Scramble points for a Howell movement
were awarded as follows:
Jinqi & Winn - 10 pts. ea
Joe & Charlie - 8 pts. each
Roger - 6 pts.
Marion & Marina - 4 pts. each
George & Doug - 2 pts each
Standings as of July 12, 2006
35 - Marion
32 - Joe
29 - Marina
27 - Doug
27 - Roger
23 - Ves
19 - Mike F.
18 - Jinqi
18 - Winn
17 - George
13 - Beverly
13 - Charlie
13 - Beryl
12 - David
12 - Jody
11 - Ronnie
11 - John W
9 - John J
7 - Bill
4 - Fred