Thursday, July 14, 2005

What would you bid?

What would you bid? You hold: K J 10 9 A Q J x 9 A Q J x What would you bid if your partner dealt and opened 1D? You hold the points for an immediate strong jump shift, but you don’t have a good enough suit for that bid. You might bid 3NT, but then you are giving up on your excellent major suit holding, and besides partner will expect you to have two diamonds. I think the proper bid is 1H. If your partner has four hearts he will support you and you can check about a heart slam. If he has four spades he will bid them and you can check about a spade slam. If he bids two diamonds you can now bid 3NT (even with the singleton diamond). What would you bid if your partner opened 3D? I bid 3NT. What would you bid if your partner dealt and opened 5D? I would bid 6D. Now, what should partner have opened? He was dealer and held: x x Void A K Q x x x x x x x x Even though he has no defensive values, the proper bid is 1D. Bids of 3D or 5D in first or second position preempt your partner, and with this holding you are really not worrying about preempting your opponents. You are quite willing to bid as high as you can if they compete. The bidding could reasonably have gone 1D/1H/2D/3NT/6NT. After the 1H bid 2D denies four hearts and denies four spades and shows a pretty good diamond suit. 3NT shows stoppers and points and at least one diamond. Or if 4NT is Blackwood here (not quantitative) opener might check about aces and bid 7NT if responder has three, bid 6NT if he only has two, or play 5D if he only has one. I played in 3NT making seven with a lead away from the spade ace. A spade lead set 6D. But it made without the spade lead. Comments?
The 2D rebid could be passed. Is there another option to push to game and still keep open the slam possibilities?
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